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الخميس، 19 سبتمبر 2013

Make Money Blogging

How to create a Blog!
how to create a blog

you do not need a lot of skill to make a blog, you have the two most famous and they are blogger.com and wordpress.com.
Easy to use,simply register on blogger and you will have all the tools in use inside, select the domain that  blogspot provides free or you can buy another, then edit the blog, choose template blog (design), put the title and edit as desired.
You must have something you like to write about, music, film, poetry, business, travel, or other topics that inspire you to write about.
All about  blogging is about to express words of  passion about something.
If you are good in writing ,than I'm sure you'll have readers who would like to read your opinions and experiences.
Now when you decided what are you going to write about than start to blog.

Drive traffic.

Now when you start to blog  the next step is to drive traffic to your blog.
I have wrote an article how to drive traffic for free you can find it HERE.
Without traffic- no money
I am not saying it's going to be easy,driving traffic is hard way and need a lot of time an patience. It's like watching game on TV and advertisers pay  to promote where has
audience,that's how bloggers make money,a blog with the biggest traffic,earn the most.
Now when you have a decent traffic,you are ready to monetize your blog. 

Make money with Adsense. 
make money on your blog with adsense Adsense is for those who do not know owned by Google and so far has been the best and greatest ways of earnings but has it's own requirements, the blog must have high Traffic and google adsense likes rich content and must not be copied must be original written by you.
Register for adsense and if they refuse they will ask more 
requirements,don't give give up, do what they ask you to do and send the request again.
If you get approved make sure not to violate their policies before you start using adsense read policies.
It is easy to use and you can earn a decent amount if you have high  traffic.

 Make Money With Chitika.

Chitika ppc advertising platform                                            Beside Adsense there is  also good  program- Chitika (ppc) advertising platform where you  publisher can earn decent money.
 Chitika is free service that displays revenue-earning ads to your web site and the good thing is that if you want you can use at the same time adsense i chitika and not to violate Terms of Use of each service.They have also referrer program which gives you a share from the publishers and advertisers you refer to them.The minimum pay out is $10 through paypal.
If you want to register click on picture above!

Make money with Infolinks.
make money with infolinks

Infolinks.com is also advertising platform but implementing ads is little bit different from others,it inserts text link advertisements within the content of your website or blog. The in-text ads will look like underline or double-underline links and look in my blog these underline text if you move mouse over you will see pup displaying the advertisement will appear which redirect to advertiser's page and when someone click on -you get paid.Easy and free to use.

Earn money with Amazon.
make money with amazon affiliate program
                                               Affiliate marketing is one of the biggest  way to earn money online.  It's about selling others product There are many good marketplace on nett where you can earn money like eBay, Clickbank and Amazon have their  affiliate programs. But lets talk about Amazon affiliate program known as  Amazon associates You can sign up for an associates account and start selling their products on your blog. You get there code to implement into your blog easy and free. Make Facebook fan page for more exposure. There is also http://payspree.com and loyaltypays.com is also very good and many others.

 Make money with Adhitz.
adhitz ppc advertising
  I see some bloggers use Adhitz.com but since their Pay per click is low this is good with bloggers who has huge visits per month. This also work by implementing html code to your site. Because of huge traffic that gets PTC sites the website owners use this Adhitz and they earn something but for bloggers I would recommend to stick programs above.
 Remember all these programs are for fee.


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6 سبتمبر 2016 في 9:39 م

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The best things about Clixsense's GPT Click Feature:
1. $0.001 - $0.02 per click.
2. 5 seconds starting timer.
3. Repeat every 24 hours.

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Just received a check for $500.

Many times people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can make filling out paid surveys online...

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